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Lee's MINTAGE catch fish
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1 to 8 of 8 comments

joe joe 2007-07-19
sperm whale
Fisherman120 Fisherman120 2007-04-29
Fisherman120 Fisherman120 2005-09-03
its a whale that was washed up 2 the shore wut a dumb pic
surfpick.com surfpick.com 2004-04-26
The freezers were full.. but the jolly Japanese villagers
killed this one, just for fun.
kccatman kccatman 2004-03-08
what is that?
shae shae 2004-03-01
lee is the best seriously.
kaleigh kaleigh 2004-02-29
u r a good fisher for your age
fastkilr fastkilr 2004-02-26
Nice first catch.

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